We conducted an extensive materiality assessment with our internal and external stakeholders, including members, investors, suppliers and our people, to identify significant issues that matter most to them. Aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) our approach to materiality promotes principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context and a balanced and reasonable representation of our business.
The materiality matrix demonstrates the findings of the assessment. The sustainability topics that are key priorities for our stakeholders are aligned with the business impact of The Gym Group, therefore identifying our highest priorities that we actively manage. The outcomes of the materiality assessment have formed the pillars of our sustainability strategy.
Identifying our material topics

We engage with our stakeholders regularly on key sustainability topics to ensure the company is alert and responsive to evolving attitudes and beliefs. We actively seek feedback from our shareholders on sustainability matters. Our employees play an important part in shaping our sustainability strategy through representation on the sustainability working groups and regular surveys. We are also building communication platforms to talk to our members about our sustainability goals and performance.